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Professor Syed Faisal Ahmed

Professor Faisal Ahmed was appointed as a consultant at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill, Glasgow in 2000 and was appointed to the Samson Gemmell Chair of Child Health at the University of Glasgow in 2012. His current research focusses on improving the care of people with rare endocrine conditions by developing strong interdisciplinary and international partnerships and infrastructures that facilitate global translational research with a clear impact on health care. He coordinates the International DSD/CAH (I-DSD/CAH) Registry launched in 2007 and the European Registries for Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa) launched in 2018. Since 2020, the web-based platforms developed in the EuRRECa project have also supported the European Registry for Rare Bone and Mineral Condition (EuRR-Bone). Professor Ahmed leads the ICT & eHealth Working Group of the European Reference Network for Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN) and has an appointment as Professor of Endocrine Registries at the University of Leiden.