Opportunities for young people

Do you want to help steer world-leading research in mental health and cognition AND get paid for your contributions? Our team at Imperial College London currently have two opportunities available for you as a past or present SCAMP participant: the SCAMP Young People’s Advisory Group (YPAG) and the Ambassador’s Programme.​ To find out more, click the drop down bars below.

If you are interested in undertaking a Work Experience placement with us, we offer this opportunity to both SCAMP and non-SCAMP participants. You can read more about this in the designated drop down bar below.

Young People’s Advisory Group (YPAG)
Ambassador’s Programme

Are you a student in a SCAMP-participating school? We are looking for enthusiastic and well-connected students to be SCAMP Cohort Ambassadors starting from September 2023 and finishing when you leave school or college.​

What does the role involve?​

  • You will be the face of SCAMP at your school. You will be promoting SCAMP to your on-campus peer-networks and undertaking various knowledge-sharing activities.​
  • Assembly/lesson shout-outs: encouraging fellow students and teachers to get involved in data collection through assembly and lesson shout-outs.​
  • Engagement testing: seeing which engagement techniques or methods work best at your school to engage students.​
  • Event support: providing support at face-to-face data collection visits with the SCAMP team.​
  • Sharing research findings: help get the message out about SCAMP’s achievements and what findings and knowledge the SCAMP cohort has helped uncover.​
  • Feedback meetings: attend 1-2 hour every 2-4 months (depending on the workload; meetings can be hosted and attended remotely) to provide examples of work carried out, results and feedback.​

What are we offering you?​

  • £15 per hour whilst working flexibly and managing your own time.​
  • Experience working with a world-leading university.​
  • Excellent experience for your CV – working with Imperial College London! This role is a unique opportunity, which demonstrates enthusiasm, commitment, and organisational skills.​
  • Making a difference by helping people understand adolescent mental health.​
  • A rewarding role where your creativity and dedication are valued – with the chance of earning extra money when excelling.​

Who is best suited for this role?​

  • If you are or have been a SCAMP participant and attend or have attended a SCAMP participating school or college.​
  • You can commit to approximately 2 hours per month for this role on average.​
  • You enjoy talking to people and sharing ideas – or want to improve your communication skills.​
  • You are enthusiastic about the SCAMP study, self-motivated, proactive, and have an interest in science or research.​
  • You enjoy using social media (Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.).​

How to apply?

Please email us at scamp@imperial.ac.uk and we will provide you with the Application Form as well as request an up-to-date CV.​

Work Experience

Work experience placements at SCAMP vary based on responsibilities, duration and time of year. ​

For further enquiries contact us.